
How to see a movie for only £3 in London this weekend

This Saturday is a true feast for movielovers and cinemagoers – especially those with an eye for a true bargain.

National Cinema Day lands at London’s picturehouses and seats for all the big current releases will be going for as little as £3.

Whether you need to catch up on that long-awaited Barbieheimer double bill for a mere six quid or fancy giving one of the latest releases a spin – and from fiery love-triangle drama ‘Passages’ to ‘Scrapper’, ‘Theater Camp’ and ‘The Equalizer 3’ there’s plenty to pick from – it’s a gala day for catching a movie on the big screen. 

Hundreds of cinemas across the UK are running the promotion on Saturday, September 2, with extra promos on drinks and snacks to look out for, too.

And it’s not just the newest releases that will be on offer. Keep an eye out for revivals of rarely-screened films: Picturehouse Central will be put on Oscar-winner ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ on its biggest screen and Dalston’s Rio Cinema has Lars von Trier’s classic ‘Melancholia’ screening. 

A corresponding US National Cinema Day just ran across American cinemas and packed in the punters, with 8.5 million admissions last Sunday. Expect a similarly busy day at UK cinemas this weekend. 

Here’s a list of participating London cinemas:

Arthouse Crouch End
Barbican Centre
Cineworld cinemas
Curzon Soho
Ealing Project
Electric Cinema, White City
Genesis Cinema
Odeon cinemas
Phoenix Cinema
Picturehouse cinemas
Rich Mix
Rio Cinema
Riverside Studios
Castle Cinema
The Chiswick Cinema
The Cinema in The Arches, Battersea
The Cinema in the Power Station, Battersea
Vue cinemas

Head to the official National Cinema Day site for all the info. Happy viewing!

The best films out in UK cinemas and on streaming in September.

How ‘Scrapper’ dreamed up a new East London.