
London’s Christmas day weather forecast for 2024

We’ve had a pretty tepid winter this year so far. Aside from a storm and a dash of snow, it’s barely even reached scarf weather here in the capital. As long as you don’t consider the implications of that regarding, you know, the future of our planet, it’s been pretty pleasant, but it doesn’t really say ‘Christmas’.

The last time London had a ‘white Christmas’ was back in 2022. You may be wondering if your memory is failing you but don’t worry, all that needs to happen for the title is for a single snowflake to fall on the capital, which isn’t what most of us would consider a snow day. The last time there was sheets of white covering rooftops and roads on the big day in the capital was 1999, so it’s been a while.

And, we regret to inform you, it may be a while yet. It’s not looking like we’ll see much of the white stuff over this Christmas period – here’s a rough outline of what to expect.

Christmas Eve (Tuesday December 24)

Christmas Eve is currently looking like the warmest day next week, with the BBC anticipating temperatures hitting highs of 13C. It will also be sunny from 12pm until sunset, which is upsettingly just after 4pm, then it should be a dry, mild evening. 

Accuweather is painting a similar picture, although with a bit less direct sunshine and a lot more low-lying cloud. They’re also expecting highs of 11C, instead of the BBC’s 13C. 

The Weather Channel is somewhere in the middle, forecasting temperatures around 13C, but with a lot of cloud and a lack of sun. On the bright side, that is perfect sleigh-driving weather for Santa; not too cold, but lots of cloud to keep the big man out of sight of overly-curious children.

Christmas Day (Wednesday December 25)

Current long-range forecasts for London on December 25 are estimating highs of 12C with actual sunshine in the morning.

The BBC expects lows of 10C, quite a bit warmer than freezing, with ‘light rain and a gentle breeze’. This will be ideal weather for morning walks if you’re the sort of crazy person to exercise on Christmas day, or for sitting in with a hot chocolate to enjoy the new Wallace and Gromit film for the rest of us.

Accuweather is anticipating pretty much the same things in terms of temperature, although the site estimates a lower chance of rain throughout the day. Fingers crossed that they end up correct on this occasion.

The Weather Channel is also saying highs of 12C, and predicting that clouds will disperse throughout the day leaving us with a clear afternoon and evening. If it’s not going to snow, this is probably the next best thing.

The Met Office, which hasn’t yet released individual forecasts for each day but does offer a broad week-long predictions, predicts similar things, stating that ‘temperatures will likely vary around average… snow will most likely be restricted to high ground,’ ie not in London.

Boxing Day, Thursday December 26

Boxing Day will be pretty similar to Christmas Eve, only a few degrees cooler, with highs of 11C according to the BBC. There could be sun the entire day, with light showers until early afternoon. There won’t be much wind, so it will largely feel like the temperature on the thermostat, allowing you to actually dress for the weather. Thank goodness. 

Accuweather does, however, warn that there could be 100 percent cloud coverage during the day, so prepare for a bit of a dark boxing day. 

There is one ray of light piercing through the grey – literally. The Weather Channel is expecting ‘mixed’ sunshine and clouds, so all in all it sounds like a bang average winter’s day.

RECOMMENDED: When and where it will be a white Christmas in the UK.

If you really want to get some proper winter weather, you’ll have to leave the city and head for the hills, preferably northern ones. If that sounds like a lot of effort you could also just wait until the new year, as there’s a much higher likelihood of snow in late January/February.

These are current long-range forecasts, which are always subject to change, so make sure to check on the most up to date predictions closer to the date. That said, it’s currently looking like it’ll be a pretty average day. Whether you’re glad to be avoiding the sludge or sad it’ll be yet another wet and windy Christmas, we’re sure London will make the most with whatever hits it next week.

ICYMI: You can ride a real life Polar Express train in London this Christmas.

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