For 40 years, The London Wine Fair has attracted tens of thousands of buyers from across the country with three days of trading, education and discovery. This year The London Wine Fair is adapting and will have a digital edition in the light of the ongoing uncertainty around the Covid-19 global pandemic. Happening from the 17th to the 19th May 2021, it will be the most advanced virtual show of its kind offering tremendous industry sessions with fine tastings and face-to-face meetings with outstanding winemakers and importers. The event will take place 14 months since the last live trade tasting of any scale in the United Kingdom.
Whether you are a sommelier, drinks buyer, wine advisor, store manager or wine writer, this event is for you. By registering in the three-day wine extravaganza you will be able to visit virtual stands, order free samples to your door, enjoy expert tastings and industry sessions and hold video meetings with wine exhibitors. The London Wine Fair virtual layout will replicate the live event with different ‘rooms’ featuring industry briefings, seminars and masterclasses.
To be part of the London Wine Fair 2021 you need to buy a ticket that will cost £20. Once they verify you as a trade visitor you will receive an access link. Important to highlight that the profile pages and sampling options will stay live for three months.
The London Wine Fair 2021 is a positive initiative for the UK wine industry, especially at this time. The digital platform is super user-friendly and incredibly easy to use. Even though the 2021 show is not the live event the organizers hoped could happen, they are extremely confident they can deliver a fair that will be an essential forum for the drinks industry and an invaluable platform for business, knowledge gathering and contact building.
If you want to continue the night contact Lux Guestlist and continue the evening at a London hotspot.